In support of her first curatorial exhibition ‘Free The Pussy!’, Challenger created four interventionist works to interrupt the viewer in repurposed spaces around the Summerhall complex.
The Royal Pussy
The courtyard pub ‘The Royal Dick’ became the agitprop work ‘The Royal Pussy”. Proving controversial from the outset, the work was objected to by middle management.
Ahead of the signage being filmed by the BBC further anger built toward the work eventually leading to parties in the building illegally removing the artwork overnight and hiding it until the Director of the venue intervened and it was returned.
The work remained in-situ for the entire exhibition including the extension and became a talking point across the 2018 festival. Read more here -
Corridor Dance Floor
‘Corridor Dance Floor!’ was in response to the arrest in 2018 of the Iranian teenager Maedeh Hojabri who was apprehended for posting dance videos on Instagram that she filmed in her bedroom. Drawing parallels with the arrest of ‘Pussy Riot’ in 2012 Challenger created a fun space for people to dance freely with their own music.
40 Second Miaow Clock
The Miaow Clock was fabricated with the help of Hack Lab in Edinburgh. The timer counted down from 40 seconds and emitted a short cat’s miaow. 40 seconds was the exact amount of time the ‘Pussy Riot’ were playing their punk music in Moscow’s main Cathedral before being arrested.
The Womb Room
Deliberately pseudo-religious Challenger created an encompassing cinema installation to encourage an energetic, angry and nurturing space.